Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Highs and Lows

Highs and Lows are a fond tradition for many people, and we all learn them in different environments.  I've heard them referred to as Roses and Thorns, Ups and Downs, and Peaks and Valleys.  During my few years in confirmation and as a junior guide, they were always an important part of small group time.  It was a great way to connect everyone together and share in our vulnerabilities.

This week has been full of a lot of high and lows for me.  My lows have been working through a lot of paperwork and make appointments to obtain a visa for the next year that cause me to worry about the craziest outcomes.  Today I had to say goodbye to my Hedgehog, Aoife (as pictured right, photo taken yesterday as we adventured in my backyard.  She was trying to hide in the grass), who has been a constant companion for the past year, terrible smell and waking me up at three in the morning with her running and all.  I don't know if I've cried this hard in a long time; made moving to the UK for the upcoming year feel all the more real suddenly.

But some important things I keep reminding myself that are Highs: Aoife will have a caring home with a woman who will understand her quirks and behavioral problems.  Last week, I got to spend all week with the sweetest little sister (She is nearly five!) in the world and have some great adventures before I say goodbye.  And lastly, I get to spend the next year with a group of amazing individuals in Manchester who I cannot wait to say hello to in person!

Sometimes the lows seem like they take up a lot of space in our hearts and make them heavy, but we remember the good times to bring us up again.

Words of encouregment are always welcome, and if you have questions on how to support me in this upcoming year of mission work, feel free to email me at !

In Peace,

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