Friday, December 16, 2022

Waiting in Advent, you brood of vipers!

Advent – Waiting 

Preached at Atonement Lutheran Church in Wyomissing, PA, and live-streamed. The Gospel and Sermon start around 16:30 minutes.

This is the sermon manuscript that I preached from.

        Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the year. I like to lean into the blues and light of the season. The twinkle lights everyone is putting up and added candlelight for the long nights. Here in church we see that too – reflected in the paraments and the trees. Advent is a period of waiting for Emmanuel, God with us – we do this at Lent as well. We use this time to contemplate that very idea of waiting – How do we wait for things? It’s not always easy. That pause between taking an important test and getting a diagnosis. The waiting between job interviews and the offer call. The exciting things we count down to as well – families who are expecting to expand via marriages, births, and adoptions. A trip we have been counting down the days to or seeing a loved one again after a long break. 

        One of my other favorite parts of Advent is John the Baptist. We don’t see him depicted in a lot of Christmas cards or on Advent calendars, but his presence is a vital part of this season.

Not every Gospel has Jesus’ birth story – but each one has John the Baptist. He is an important part of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He is who his mom, Elizabeth, is pregnant with when Mary sings her song rejoicing in her own pregnancy with Jesus. He is the voice crying out in the wilderness about Rome’s rule over Israel, and the one who baptizes people in the Jordan River, including Jesus.

John is a rough and tumble kind of guy. He lives an aesthetic lifestyle out in the wilderness. He wear rough clothing and eats locusts and wild honey. He doesn’t wear fine robes or live in privilege in the city like he could, being the son of a priest and a holy man himself. Instead, he moves into the wilderness, proclaiming some pretty unpopular opinions against Rome and Rome’s governors. Opinions that will anger Harrod enough to call for John’s head eventually.

But there is something special about his relationship with Jesus. There is always a John the Baptizer calling us to be prepared before there is a Jesus of Nazareth. So what can we learn about and from this important figure who sets the prologue to our Holy Advent story?

Location is the first thing to notice. We meet John in the wilderness. What does the wilderness represent here? This landscape is a barren dessert. Why the lonely desert for our Advent reflections? First of all, the wilderness represents a lack of a safety net. Far away from a wealth of food or water, the wilderness is a place where we must rely on God. Our vulnerabilities, shortcomings, and insecurities have nowhere to hide out in the wilderness. Any idea of being able to solve every problem on our own is quickly shattered, and at the forefront is needing to rely on our community and God when we need help.

And it is here in the wilderness that John calls for people to repent of their sins. To leave the lives they once knew, repent because the reign of God in heaven has come near, and prepare for the Reign to come. There is something about the wilderness that brings us to our knees in repentance as part of our preparing for Jesus to be with us.

The word repentance has a lot of heavy meaning for us today. It reminds me of fire and brimstone preaching that doesn’t always include a lot of Grace which we really like as Lutherans. When we hear repentance used, there is usually a lot of shame, guilt, and condemnation wrapped up in the use of it. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I hear messages from some siblings of faith to repent because of my sexuality, calling me sinful despite being made in God’s wonderful image. Repentance has been weaponized as a moral tool to control people’s behavior and make us feel unable to have a relationship with God. 

        John is all about repentance however, and there is no getting through Advent to Jesus without John. So is there something about this repentance that might lead to relief, then?
The Greek word used for repent in this passage is metanoia, meaning “Change your whole self.” We can think of repenting, then, as understanding what went wrong and knowingly making a change in our lives. Understanding how sin operates in our lives, the choices we make or do not make, the things we say or do not say when we should. Sometimes we think of sin as these great big immoral actions we take that we totally separate us from God. Or breaking God’s law like the 10 commandments, or falling short. These are some ways to think about sin but don’t quite capture a Lutheran understanding. Another way is what Augustine describes: sin as curving in on ourselves and away from God; sin is not just some great big thing that destroys our relationship with God, but an understanding of those things that come between us and God. Not a relationship destroyed, but something that needs to be worked on. Mended.

So as we understand those things that cause us to curve in on ourselves, create barriers between us and God, we can then make a conscious decision to repent. To then be open to receivign God’s saving Grace through Christ on the cross which is there for us whether we repent or not. Overall, this is a practice – a spiritual practice – of noticing, reflecting, responding, and then reflecting again on our actions and our relationship with God. Easier said than done, right? But what helps is having an open curiosity when reflecting rather than a strict judgement which can lead toward shame and resentment; we are here to openly choose to listen for God’s will in our lives rather than choosing our own. That is what John is calling us to do. To reflect and be open to our relationship with God because Emmanuel, God with us, is on his way. 

Brood of Vipers
Now - John gets a bit heated in the gospels about this. He’s a bit of a hothead, a strong, prophetic voice that gets him into trouble later. He talks about being baptized in fire to the Pharisees and Sadducees, which were the religio-politico figures during Jesus’ time. He calls this group a Brood of Vipers and they are showing up in the wilderness to what? Act as they always have? Rely on their positions and ancestry to insist that they do not have to repent but want to be part of this community all the same? John knows who these people are, his father can be numbered among them, and he is not letting them get by on their connections, history, and nostalgia. John is holding their feet to the flame and reminding them that we all need to do this Advent work. John is leveling all of us, not raising one above another, but reminding us that when the one who is coming after him finally arrives, we will all be equal in his sight and all equally welcome in Christ. We are preparing for the way of the Lord in our own hearts, making the pathways easy to travel.

We are preparing our hearts, our lives, and this world for God to be here with us, what fruits will we bear? We are receiving this awesome free gift of Grace from God through Jesus’ coming to live among us; how will we respond? A quick answer to John the Baptist is to think of the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

Repentance is an invitation to a new way of life which is demonstrated by its fruits. Being a son of Abraham or being born again through moral standards isn’t enough - our lives must change and our actions must bear out that reorientation in response to God’s grace. Are we, like John, willing to prepare the way of the Lord this Advent?


Zacchaeus, Jesus, and the 12-steps.

October 30, 2022

Reformation Sermon at Lutheran Chruch of the Good Shepherd in Coatesville, PA

Luke 19:1-10: Zacchaeus & Jesus

Livestream: Gospel reading and sermon start at 25:00 minutes.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be pleasing to you, O LORD, our rock and our redeemer. Amen.

It is so good to be back here at Good Shepherd. I cannot believe how nearly five months has flown by for us all since started my pastoral internship and since Alyssa and I adopted Minnie and Clio officially. For a while this summer I was telling time by cat milestones. By how willing Minnie and Clio were to explore the house. Then by how well or not they interacted with our other cat, Clem. I can safely say that after a few months and a lot of different tactics, we have reached a peace agreement of cat territories separated by a strategic tall baby gate in the house. All the cats are loved very deeply and doing well. 

My internship, as some of y’all might remember, is working alongside people in 12-step recovery programs and people affected by addiction in Reading, PA. The basis for our worshipping community is an understanding that the practice of the 12-steps as spirituality usually in an Anonymous program could bring a unique connection to God through a deep understanding of honest Hope and overwhelming Grace. 

Part of our weekly worship is a time of sharing. Whenever someone gets the microphone, we introduce ourselves by saying, Hello, my name is Mycah, and everyone greets the person back “Hi Mycah”. It is humbling to sit in a room where we are intentionally learning each others names, hearing one another’s stories, celebrate gratitude’s together, provide support when asked, and creating these sacred relationships in the presence of God by recognizing the way God is working in our lives.

The more I get familiar with the 12-steps, the more I have begun to understand how transformational these steps can be for people in Recovery and their loved ones, and the wisdom those of us not impacted by addiction and recovery can learn from our siblings in Christ who are.

As I read this week’s Gospel story about Zacchaeus and Jesus, I heard some of those themes I hear at my internship echoed here. Seeking a higher power, God. Making a fearless and moral inventory. Admitting wrongs and making amends.

We enter this Gospel lesson on the road. Jesus has set his path toward Jerusalem and toward the events right before his crucifixion. Jesus has spent time with some questionable company like a roman soldier, a ‘good’ Samaritan, tax collectors, and people with difficult questions.

Now along this journey is Zacchaeus – who happens to be a tax collector and rich. These tell us a few things about him. One, a tax collector is someone who was of the community, a neighbor, but working with the Roman Empire who was oppressing the Jewish folks. And because he was rich, we know he was good at his job. Perhaps similar to the unjust judge, Zacchaeus could be viewed as someone who was financially rich but spiritually and morally poor. Zacchaeus recognized his need for a higher power and was seeking Jesus out. Steps 1 through 3 are about recognizing our need for God and being willing to hand ourselves over to God.

Now, Zacchaeus’ neighbors might see him as a traitor to for the job he had. Zacchaeus could have had a huge desire to be in the crowd and learn from Jesus while Jesus was in Jericho, but feared being in the crowd because he was working with the empire. Very reasonably, Zacchaeus wanted to stick to the outside of the crowd – what would happen to him if the people he had collected taxes from who are undoubtedly mad at him, turned against him in the crowd? He is trying his best to be safe but still seeking his higher power, faith and understanding through Jesus.

Here is this huge crowd, and Jesus is undoubtedly somewhere in the center of the crowd, and Zacchaeus is somewhere on the margin of the crowd, of course he can’t see over everyone’s heads to see Jesus. While the text says ‘he was short’ – it is not quite clear in the Greek who was the short man in this situation. Here’s the thing – that’s a fun detail included by the gospel writer but there’s probably not a direct correlation to someone being short and having bad moral character. If Zacchaeus is the short one which historically he was assumed to be, it his height is not an inverse relationship to needing Jesus, and a tall man would need Jesus less.

But because the crowd was so large and no one is tall enough to see over all of it, Zacchaeus does what any normal middle aged chief tax collector would do and climbs a tree to get a good vantage of this famous teacher. 

Jesus spots the man in the tree and calls him by name to come down and Jesus invites himself to Zacchaeus’ home. A bit of a reversal of how hospitality works here. Usually it’s offered by the host, but here Jesus as the guest is reversing the role and inviting Zacchaeus into the role as host in his own home. At this point it is an honor to host Jesus, and the crowd grumbles. This guy gets to host our teacher? The one we believe is the Messiah? But he’s a rich tax collector. He is the least of all of us. In fact, we no longer consider him one of our own. Why would Jesus spend time with him? 

In response, Zacchaeus begins a fearless and searching moral inventory of himself to Jesus, steps 4 through 7, offering the ways he makes amends, Steps eight and nine. This is a very abbreviated version of those steps that take months, if not years to work through for folks. It is part of the tough spiritual work off Recovery. Zachaeus says he “will give back” according to this translation. Other Greek scholars would argue that he said “I give to the poor now, I give back fourfold whenever someone is defrauded”. It’s not a promise that Zacchaeus is making to Jesus upon meeting him, something he is promising to do in the future in response to Jesus’ sudden physical presence in his life.

While meeting Jesus and learning from him can be a conversion story like we get with the woman at the Well in the gospel of John, what we have here is Jesus’ presence revealing the amends Zacchaeus was already trying to make. This person who everyone thought was doing wrong all the time. Who people had prejudged because of his occupation, social and economic statuses, had been cast out of his own community, has actually been making amends to his community from the resources he had as a tax collector. Helping the poor and returning more when Zacchaeus has defrauded someone. Turns out Zacchaeus is a real Robin Hood figure disguised as an antagonist. He has been living out step 10 to continue to take moral inventory and when he messed up, promptly admitted it.

Jesus came to seek out the lost and save them – who is the lost in this story? Who needed saving? Was it Zacchaeus who had been seeking out Jesus in the first place? Or is it the crowd who needed to hear Jesus’ message? 

So often I think we hear about a person’s job, social status, money or life situation and pass judgement. Oh that person? They sure do need a little Jesus in their lives, while missing our own need for Jesus’ saving grace for ourselves. Zacchaeus knew he needed Jesus in his life. Zacchaeus had no illusions about who he was. Sure, he was rich and he had financial power as a chief tax collector but when it came to spiritual matters, he was seeking Jesus as a teacher and redeemer like the rest of us. Continuing to build a relationship with God is part of step 11. 

What is shocking is the crowd – the very crowd who is trying to walk with Jesus and learn from him, demonizing with false assumptions the very person Jesus is dining with. We are tricked into agreeing with the crowd, and sometimes applauding the very sin this story is condemning. Who are we to pass judgement when Jesus is revealing the good in people we least expect? Not just this tax collector, but also a Samaritan who acts out of kindness, the roman soldier seeking mercy, and the humble questions of faith from the people most lost.

How often have we met someone who is in recovery from addiction and passed judgement? Have we seen the judgement from friends and family when someone is bravely taking the steps toward recovery, trying to cast shame on the situation. There’s an awkwardness in not knowing how to act. How to support one another. Sometimes we turn into the judgmental crowd rather than meeting that person on the road to Jericho, offering a chance to be seen and connected like Jesus did for Zacchaeus who was making amends. 

Finally, perhaps Zacchaeus was ready for step twelve: having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, he will try to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all his affairs. 

I read in a book recently that over 23 million Americans are in Recovery from addictions. Can you imagine a world where we all continue to reach out to one another with compassion? Were we have a fearless and honest, and prompt response to making amends when we mess up? A community where we listen to one another’s stories and connect our stories to the stories of faith in the Bible? Jesus came to seek us out and save each of us in our own lostness. May we be willing to climb down the tree of our own faults and host our savior for dinner. 


Monday, October 17, 2022


Luke 18:1-8

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all of our hearts be acceptable to you Lord God, our rock and redeemer, amen.

Good morning. I am so happy to with all the good folk of Atonement and excited to be preaching a Word with you all today. A little about me is that I am the Common Ground pastoral intern this year, and I live in Downingtown with my spouse and our three cats. We moved up here from Virginia when I started attending United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia.

My wife and I are cat people. We recently adopted two of the cats after a friend died this past spring and have had a pretty steep learning curve of what it’s like going from one cat household to three. If you caught me in conversation since June and asked me how I am doing, I inevitably have equated how I’m doing to how the cats are doing. We have had to divide the house into territories for everyone to get along, split our time between the cats, and get used to new feeding schedules. If there is a lesson I have learned in the past four months, it is the persistence of cats. 

Clio, an absolute pain, digging into an empty cat food bag (this is not a paid advertisement!).

Particularly when they’ve decided they are ready for food. If we are anywhere close to their feeding time – like within four hours of dinner time - and get up from our desk or happen to walk into the kitchen, there is no end to the meowing from the two new cats. They will constantly rub against our legs and meow and follow us around the house starting around 3:30 in the afternoon some days despite not getting fed until sometime after six and I promise they have never missed a meal. It’s a real treat. And every time I look into their sweet little faces and just know they think we are being unjust. Why wouldn’t we just feed them? All of this could be over if we just put a little kibble in their bowls and let them snack. Don’t we know that they are just wasting away while we stretch out the time until it’s time for food? Sometimes I do not think I have known persistence as well illustrated in my daily life as I do the hope that lives in our cats’ little faces every time I stand up.

Minnie and Clio, pacing at my feet waiting for me to set their food bowls down.

Persistence is a key theme in our gospel this week; Jesus is telling his disciples a story to illustrate how we should be persistent in prayer. And then he goes on to talk about a widow who will not leave a certain judge alone. This judge doesn’t fear God or respect the people around him. But this widow will not leave him alone and finally the judge relents in her case. 

On our first read through, this could be read as a celebration of Women’s persistence over time. Like Elizabeth Cady Staunton or Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Malala Yousafzai or Angela Davis, Marsha P Johnson or bell hooks. When we pray – like the widow, perhaps we too shall move mountains. 

Another way to read this parable is as a re-definition of prayer. Greek Scholar Mark Davies: Prayer is not simply us talking to God, but it is any expression of a demand for justice. (for instance In The Hobbit, one is reminded that the word “pray” is not simply a religious term. When Bilbo continually asks forgiveness for offending Thorin upon their first encounter, Thorin finally answers wearily, “Pray, don’t mention it.” The word “pray” – in its widest definition – is simply a plea from one to another.) 

The plea for justice is often wearying and seems futile, because the powers that be often act with immunity – as if there is no moral order to the universe and as if there is no respect that one ought to have for humanity. if we pray without working for justice – then it’s just empty words. If we do justice without prayer & faith, we center ourselves in the imperative work of justice rather than centering Christ. Then when justice isn’t done, it leads to despair and lack of hope. However, persistence can be effective even in advocating for justice. In this sense, “prayer” would indicate not just our cries to God but also our ministry in this community here matters. There will be vindication of the true and just and there will be a slow, persistent journey of raising one’s voice over and over again. 

Now, I think we can all hope that our prayers are not being lifted to a God who we view as the unjust judge. Jesus say that God will not delay in granting the widows request for justice. If we did view God as the judge in this parable, I think there would be some trouble then in how we viewed prayer to God as some sort of transactional exchange. If we are the widow and persistent enough to have our prayers answered, what happens when they are not answered? Are our prayers not meaningful enough for God? Are we not persistent enough to have God’s with us? That’s not true. Each of us is beloved by God through Jesus. The truth is, when God is the judge, God does not delay long in helping. So what does that look like?

So what does that leave us with? Why would Jesus be telling the disciples this parable and why was it important enough for the Gospel writer to write down?

Our parable pivots at the end – and Jesus makes this curious statement about faith. He says “I tell you, God will quickly grant justice to them (those who cry to God day and night). And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

While we are on earth, when we look to earthly justice – sometimes the world is the unjust judge. And perhaps it is the Son of Man, Jesus, who comes and persistently cries for justice to us. But the despair of falling into compassion fatigue, burnout from over work over stress has taken a grip on so many. As author Debie Thomas writes – the truth is, the judge lives in each of us, and if the parable this week has anything to offer, it is that prayer alone will wear down our inner judge.

The inner judge that says I have nothing to offer. The inner judge that lifts up our woundedness, fear, shame, inattentiveness, rather than our faith and hope in God finds us falling short. The inner judge that separates us from the love of God through Christ – who persists for us. Thank God we have a loving savior who will not quite on us. Who will continue to reach out a hand to us – to listen to prayer and bring us hope, love, compassion and grace rooted in the persistent symbol of a cross in our lives.

So yes, God is the ultimate judge who will not delay on our behalf. God is a just judge who will always listen to our cries. But God is also that persistent widow, coming up beside us in the most unexpected ways to remind us of how very loved we are. Giving us a persistent reminder to pray so we can soften our hearts, not be like the unjust judge that humanity can so easily turn to – and instead open ourselves to the work of the God’s Grace in the world. Through daily reminders. It might be a cat reminding you it’s dinner time. But the reminder to persist in faith and love and grace and hope can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Symbolized by the cross and an empty tomb. 

What we are left with at the end of the parable is this question. When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?  Faith that persists? This is the question that matters. Will Jesus find such faith in us? May it be so and may we persist in prayer that seeks justice with Christ.


A God who Celebrates You.

Luke 15:1-10

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Amen.

Today in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a day of service called God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Across the ELCA, hundreds of churches participate in a variety of ways like packaging meals, doing park clean-ups, or supporting their ministry partners with a special act of service. Today is a wonderful celebration that we are one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace

In my few months of experience at Common Ground so far, I have seen God’s grace at work in so many ways. God is in the stories we share. Both the Gospel and the sharing time that each member does during our worship service. God is in the meal, both the nourishing one we serve on Sunday afternoons and the Eucharist. God’s grace is also heard in the beautiful gift of music. Every service, we sing Amazing Grace, and this week I was really struck by one line: “I once was lost, but now am found.”

The idea of being Lost and Found connects directly to our Gospel reading today in Luke. Jesus is spending time with a wide audience: Pharisees, and scribes who are traditional Jewish authorities, but also sinners and tax collectors who were known to work with the Roman Empire. 

The Authorities of the time, who had invited Jesus to dinner where he was teaching, are now grumbling at him for his inclusive welcome to all. Not those people, they grumble. Not the ones who are sinning and we don’t approve of. Not those tax collectors who work with the Romans and don’t respect our traditions. And how does Jesus respond? By telling them stories about people in authority. 

He begins by telling a story about a shepherd whose job is to keep their sheep. Many people who were listening to Jesus speak would be familiar with this kind of caretaking. When the shepherd notices that one of his sheep is missing, he doesn’t cut his losses and sticks with the 99. It was his responsibility to keep the one hundred together, and by goodness, that Shepherd is going to go find who was lost. It’s his responsibility to find his lost sheep, not leave the sheep in the wilderness. And then the shepherd rejoices once he has brought the 100 sheep into the full community again. It is the Shepherd who does the saving here. 

Likewise, in the story of the woman who lost her coin, she upends her entire house to find it again. She sweeps out the whole space and when she finds it, she does what the Shepherd did and rejoices. 

These are two really beautiful stories of realizing that one was left out. One that belonged, was cherished by the Shepherd and the Woman, was lost. The Sheep and coin were their responsibility and belonged in the community already. They wouldn’t have gotten lost if it wasn’t for the shepherds and the woman’s to lose in the first place. 

These stories are not about outsiders suddenly finding salvation and becoming Christians. Rather, they are stories about us, each of us who come to church faithfully and reads the Bible, who by all accounts should be counted among the 100 sheep and 10 coins, but feel lost and separated from the Love and Grace of God. That is what sin is. Anything that separates us from God. 

It’s not that when we are found we are magically changed once and for all from a sinful lostness to a righteous found-ness.  We get lost over and over again, and God finds us over and over again. As Lutherans, we believe that we are simultaneously Sinner and Saint. We are both being lost all the time and being found by God all the time.

What does it mean to be lost? Is it that sudden diagnosis or illness? Is it turning on the news and seeing all the devastation worldwide? Is it the pandemic that has been ravaging our society for the past two and a half years? Is it stresses from overwork? Family conflict? Our own struggles with addiction, identity, mental health, heartbreak, unforgiveness, or hatred or bitterness?

It sucks feeling lost not only from God, but also from our community. Feeling isolated. We have spent the past few years feeling pretty isolated because of COVID. And it was all out of necessity but it was hard. And now we are trying to find our way back together. 

And God is right here, like the Shepherd and the woman, working hard to find us. They aren’t pretending to look for us like we might a toddler is ‘hiding’ under the covers as a pretty obvious lump. Oh no. God the Shepherd is scouring the wilderness looking for us. God the woman searching ever corner her home has had to get extra light and check every nook and cranny for us. 

And when we are found? There is a genuine celebration. Not a scolding of how dare we get lost - but a huge party. God calls up every neighbor and their neighbors to come to celebrate kind of party. God was genuinely scared when missing us and is ready to Rejoice deeply now that we are found. 

The Pharisees and Scribes were grumbling about who Jesus was including at the table. But God does not grumble when we come to the table. In fact, God rejoices DEEPLY that we made it to the table. 

What does this tell us about God? God is not hanging out where I suspected God to be at first. God is the seeker, trying to track down every one of us who feels lost. God is not settled in somewhere cozy, deep within the throng of the 99 who are content to stick together or stops counting at 9 coins with a shrug of, well maybe this is enough. 

God knows the journeys we’ve been on. The wildernesses we have been through and the furniture we have slipped behind. God is not satisfied until we are all together. God is out here searching for each of us. Which means, that if I am with God, I need to get a little lost too. I need to also seek the lost. I need to seek not only other people who feel Lost but recognize how I am lost and need to be found. 

And through no power of my own will I be found. God will do the finding, all we need to do is recognize our need for God and God will do the rest. Saved by God’s grace to be God’s hands and feet in the world.

This isn’t always easy. I know I need God but sometimes I am really good at pretending I can find myself all on my own. This requires trust that God wants to find me when I’m feeling lost. We have to trust God that we are enough as we are and that God thinks we are worth looking for. And we have to trust that when God gets us back, God is going to throw a huge celebration. 

God loves us so much. God loves us so much that God sent his own child Jesus to come among us and preach the Gospel and bring us into everlasting life with God. This is Amazing Grace When we are lost, we will be found. And Thanks be to God for that. Amen.

Semetimes we're the ones left in the ditch.

Luke 10:25-37

We begin with an expert of the law asking Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus, who rarely answers a question directly asks what the law has to say. The expert in the law rightly recites Leviticus: Love your God with all your heart, soul, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. Jesus says yup, that’s the textbook answer. Easy as pie. Then the law expert asks, well, who is my neighbor. And maybe the expert in the law is thinking, well, who isn’t my neighbor? It's not defined in the text. Is it just the people who live on my street? Who lives in my town? State? Country? Then Jesus launches into the parable we’ve all heard maybe a million times.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is probably one of the most common stories and concepts we run into inside and outside the church. There are Good Samaritan laws, protections for strangers who give reasonable assistance in life-threatening situations, or relief agencies that support people who are housing insecure. The story of the Good Samaritan is everywhere – I think in an ideal world we would all act like the Good Samaritan did in this parable. We teach this story to our kids in Sunday school. I remember as a kid in a church choir, we sang a song from Veggietales about loving our neighbor based on this parable. One lyric that has always stuck with me was: 

“My hair is curly, your hair is not

But when we look deeper, there's more that we've got

God made us special and now I can see

If you're special to God then you're special to me

Love your neighbor

When someone helps you, then you'll understand

When you love your neighbor

Loving means lending a hand”

This is one of my core formations as a Christian. And I think it is such an important message from Jesus, particularly to teach our young people and live out through our lives. Be good to our neighbor like the Samaritan was. The Samaritan was acting Christlike by helping someone in need, and so can we. Help where and when we can like the Samaritan. See that God made us special and God made our neighbor special too, just like the Samaritan did.

This is a parable as old as time at this point. Sometimes I hear this story and I say okay, yup, got it. I have heard this story a million times and I will hear it a million more times. I need to remember to love my neighbor extra hard this week just like I heard on Sunday. And my neighbor is anyone I can show mercy to, okay go it. I feel like I can check a box off my spiritual to-do list and move on.

But Jesus does not call us to move on and simply check an “I did good by loving my neighbor this week” box. If we are not careful, we can tell ourselves: we got this lesson as a kid and we love our neighbor enough already. We can become a little complacent. Jesus calls us to love God and love our neighbor all the time. Just as Jesus loved us so much to die for us all, so are we called to love our neighbors. And if I’m being honest with myself, I am not always good at doing those two things all the time. We are human, after all. We can’t get it right all the time. That’s why we need to hear this parable from Jesus and sit with it from time to time, and maybe think about it in a new way. 

One thing a colleague once asked a group I was in to consider was: what if we weren’t the Samaritan in the story. Which character would we be then?

Some days, I am in a hurry and I pass by the man on the side of the road like the priest. Or like the Levite, I don’t think I have anything to offer the person in need who I walk by. I know I can come up with a million excuses why I did not pause to help someone in need. It’s really easy to do. I can get caught up in the busyness of my own life, of trying to live up to living a grand like I see on TV or in the news, and forget that I am following someone who offers eternal life. Not the life as seen on tv.

Some days, I might even feel like the person left for dead in the ditch. And while those situations might not actually be life threatening, they can be devastating. Some days it’s my mental health. Or being overwhelmed with responsibilities because I said yes to too much. It’s a flat tire on the side of a highway, damages from a storm, a devastating divorce, or holding a loved one’s hand as she dies after a long battle with breast cancer. Some days it's circumstances outside of our control, leaving us behind feeling wrecked.

And who comes ambling down the road? The Samaritan.

Now, a little historical context about the Samaritans and the Jews in first-century Palestine. There was an ancient and bitter rivalry between these two groups of people. The two groups disagreed about everything that mattered: how to honor God, how to interpret the Scriptures, and how and where to worship.  They practiced their faith in separate temples, read different versions of the Torah, and avoided social contact with each other whenever possible. They hated each other. So while we are inclined to like the Samaritan in our modern reading, the disciples listening to this story were scandalized.

“What do you mean, Jesus, that a Samaritan would stop to help this man? A Samaritan would never. His heart would be cold and closed off from compassion and kindness and mercy.”

There are all sorts of narratives we tell about a group that is apart from our own to separate us as “us versus them.” 

But here is Jesus, answering the question of “who is my neighbor?” by telling a story that has many layers. The first is the one I said earlier. We are to be like the Good Samaritan – showing mercy to our neighbor. The second is to be like the person left for dead in the ditch, open to receiving help when in need. The person left for dead is not identified by their ethnicity, or job, or social class. This person is identified by their naked need in that moment. The person on the side of the road is in need of compassion, kindness, and mercy.

And when we are left broken on the side of the road, all those labels seem to fall away. Divisions between us and them are not as important anymore. Our need comes first and is the only thing that matters. And if you haven’t experienced this, maybe one day you will.

Somehow, someday, somewhere, we will. In a hospital room? At a graveside? After a marriage fails? After the storm, the family fight, a devastating injury, or diagnosis? Somehow, someday, somewhere. In every single one of our lives, it will happen.

And who comes beside us in those moments? Who is our neighbor in that time? It will be the one who scandalizes us with compassion, kindness, and mercy. 

At the end of the parable, the lawyer doesn’t identify the neighbor by ethnicity. The Lawyer identifies the neighbor by action. The one who shows compassion, kindness, and above all, mercy. Jesus charges us to go and do likewise.

I also charge us to go and receive likewise from someone who scandalizes us.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Trinity and Their Promise to Us.

Holy Trinity Sunday 2022 - my last worship service & sermon with Good Shepherd before I begin internship. It has been my holy pleasure to worship and do ministry alongside the wonderful people of Good Shepherd of Coatesville, PA, and Messiah Lutheran of Downingtown, PA. 

Facebook recording from Good Shepherd of the sermon:

Youtube recording from Messiah Lutheran of the sermon:

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Amen. 

Happy Holy Trinity Sunday y’all! This is notably every pastor’s favorite Sunday to preach because understanding the Holy Trinity is so easy. For centuries, we have understood exactly who the Holy Trinity is, who is in the Holy Trinity, and how to talk about the Holy Trinity without falling into any accidental church heresies that lead to ex-communications and whole new Christian Traditions from forming. Easy peasy. When I said yes to Pastor Susan to preach on my last Sunday at Good Shepherd and Messiah, I didn’t realize what Sunday it would be in the liturgical calendar. But I’m sure Pastor Tim isn’t complaining now, Right? 

Notably Pastor Susan liked to throw me easy tasks like preaching on the Sunday after we all sprung forward and lost an hour of sleep or figuring out how to set up online worship in the earliest days of COVID. But really, her last gift to me and my spouse other than her wonderful friendship over the years and confidence was to leave us Minnie and Clio, her beloved kitty girls.

Now, if you knew Pastor Susan, you probably heard about the cats. She loved these two so much and Alyssa and I are doing our best to welcome them into our home with our already pre-existing cat, Clem. At almost two weeks into our cohabitation, we are all pretty glad our townhouse allows for each of the girls to have a floor of their own. They’re slowly starting to warm up to each other, but the one thing that brings them together is this miracle toy called a cat dancer. Pastor Susan had given us one for our cat years ago, and Clem goes wild for it, leaping and twisting and batting at little pieces of rolled paper at the end of an arching wire. It’s pretty graceful to watch, actually.




And Minnie and Clio love it too. It’s the one toy we can play with each of them around the other to try and coax them into family time. Three cats are all brought together by one cat dancer. It’s pretty trinitarian. And while they might not be as close as we had hoped they would be, it takes time. They’re cats after all. We have made a point to let each of them know that they are not alone in trying to figure out this new life together and that they are so loved. Which is - What Jesus is starting to get at in today’s gospel reading.

We are in the middle of the farewell discourse in the Gospel of John. This is the part where Jesus knows he is going to die soon, and he wants to make sure he gets all his last thoughts and teachings to the disciples before he goes. Jesus is letting the disciples know what is to come and how to keep teaching and making disciples after his death. Jesus is that friend that keeps coming back when he’s heading out the door with “And one more thing!” He’s been doing this for three chapters already! I promise I won’t go on that long in my own farewell discourse today.

Jesus has so much he wants to tell the disciples before his death. He is trusting that the Spirit will be with us and to trust that the Spirit will guide us in our relationship with God as Jesus did. We know the Trinity are three and they are all in one each other. There is a relationship going on within the Trinity that Jesus is inviting us into and sustaining us with through the Spirit.

But the first thing Jesus tells the disciples before he gets on with the rest of his teaching is this: “I have so much to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” Wow. This is the farewell discourse after all, and as readers, we know that, and this is a tender reminder of care for people who are going to mourn their beloved teacher and faith leader soon. Doesn’t that feel familiar? Jesus gets us to hear the thing that is most important: the assurance that we will not be alone.

It’s hard to remember things in our grief, but Jesus is making sure we are left with this important message. When things feel too heavy to bear, we are not alone. For right now, we are not expected to get it all. This whole following Jesus thing takes a lot of time and Jesus knew that we would need companions along the way, and the comfort that we won’t have all the answers or do the right thing every time but remember these two things: we are loved by the Holy Trinity, and we are not alone. The Spirit is coming to be with us.

The Trinity is a mystery that is hard to put into words, and one of the great mysteries of faith that we as Christians have tried to make sense of for centuries. One of the best ways I have come to understand the Trinity is through Jesus’ teaching about relationship here between Jesus, God, and the Spirit. The Trinity is about the relationship based on love, and how wonderful is it that we find ourselves in the midst of them? Instead of trying to focus on the Oneness of the Trinity to understand the three: God, Jesus, and the Spirit as separate beings, Franciscan priest and theologian Richard Rohr writes that we “Start with the Three and see that this is the deepest nature of the One.”

Rohr describes the trinity as an invitation to a transformational dance. By focusing on the three to understand one thing about the Trinity, we can get sweep up in the dance together with the Trinity. The movement and flow. How dynamic and ever growing in our understanding we are when invited into the dance of transformational faith. I’m not an incredible dancer, but I think of those three cats of mine at home leaping through the air in this dance. Jesus tells us that the Spirit will declare things that are to come to us meaning, we don’t have all the answers yet, but we can keep engaging in the relationship with the Spirit who is with us and with the Trinity to hear ever more clearly the voice of our loving God.

When we focus on the three to understand one thing about the Trinity, we also understand diversity. Instead of pinning down exactly who and how God shows up in our lives, we can take a step back and listen to how the Trinity flows through creation around us, how they show up in the creative beauty of the world, and love and righteousness. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer captures neatly: “Wherever God is, God is wholly there.” How we in the room can each reflect the whole love of God to each other. The whole love of God that abides in us through the Spirit because we know the story of Jesus. That whole love abides in me and in you and we are stronger because we know that each of us reflects that whole diverse love from the Trinity to one another.

Now because it’s Pride month and I am who I am, I have to talk about how we talk about the Trinity. I am using the pronoun “they” for the Trinity on purpose today. When thinking about the diversity of the Trinity, I remember my siblings in Christ in gender and sexual minority communities. As an LGBTQ+ person with many beloved friends who use they/them for their pronouns, this can be a playful and helpful way to think of the Trinity for us. I invite you into holy imagination with me to think of the Trinity this way. They/them is most often used in English to refer to a group of people, and on occasion to refer to someone without revealing their gender identity. More often now though, people do not identify with genders like man or woman but as non-binary or genderfluid and use they/them to refer to themselves on a regular basis.

The Trinity, who is three in one, also goes beyond gender to me. God is so great, how can I say God is not doing a new thing in their own gender identity? ‘They’ in the singular and plural explores our very understanding of who God is, how Jesus loves us and how the Spirit shows up in our lives to remind us we are not alone. They, the Holy Trinity, is with us always, never leaving us alone even when we feel unloved and isolated.

Jesus is even referred to as Divine Wisdom or Sophia, in Early Christian tradition. This idea connects back to the book of Proverbs where wisdom is personified as Lady Wisdom. Jesus, child of God, was not always referred to in masculine pronouns. I was introduced to thinking about God as our Mother in Heaven when I was a teenager and read the popular Christian novel “The Shack” by William P. Young. The book introduced readers to the Trinity like this: a Black Mother God, Palestinian Carpenter Jesus, and an Asian woman as the Holy Spirit. We can find diversity in the Holy Trinity and how we see the Trinity showing up in our lives. Just as God made us in God’s diverse image, there are many ways we can imagine the Trinity.

Kelly Latimore Icon of the Trinity

We also see how the Trinity values community. Everything about the Trinity reminds us that they are based in relationship. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and is God. Jesus was the Word with God in the beginning, and so was the Holy Spirit, calling creation into being which culminated in God walking beside the first humans. The Trinity was with humanity in the beginning, and they will be with us through Jesus’ own death and into life after resurrection. Jesus continues to remind us of the promise of the Trinity’s presence with us through the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity is an invitation to the transformational dance of faith, to diversity, and to community. The Holy Trinity’s presence in our lives is a reminder that we are not alone. And we are so very loved by our creator. May we bear that promise forward. Amen.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

What does Faithful Queer Family Planning Look Like?

When I came out as queer to my family, I wrote a letter about how important it was to my faith to be out. That it was important for my identity as a child of God, as someone made in imago dei, God’s image, that I reflected the queer aspect of God into my life and among my family, friends, and church.

When I make big life decisions, usually I find that it comes from a series of discerning moments, time where I think about what I know about something, like LGBTQ+ people and Christianity, or what it means to be called to be a pastor or serve as a missionary for a year. Along with these discerning moments are a lot of questions: what should I do next? Where can I be useful? What will grow me into loving God’s community even more? Where is there suffering in the world that I want to be part in mitigating? I find that it is not really me making the decision to go do something on my own volition but listening to the Spirit calling me toward a certain path. There were others I could have gone down, but mission work was the answer, not going into field biology research which was my undergrad degree. Coming out was a faithful decision, and so has going to seminary to be a pastor.

I have been doing a lot of personal discernment recently, thinking about my family. As a queer woman of faith, I have been sitting with questions like: What does it mean to be a wife to a woman who is also a wife? Is that something we want? Should we get married? Can we get married? Who does what around the house? Who is the ‘head of the house’ and their word is the rule? How can we have kids? Do we want kids? Which of us would actually get pregnant, or is that even something we want? What are all the many ways women can get pregnant without a cisgender man present (unless it’s the doctor)? What are other ways to become parents? Is adoption something we would want, and is it possible near us? How much does adoption cost or fertility treatment cost? Will we be discriminated against for being queer?

There are so many questions that I am constantly asking myself or have asked myself in the past. I do not have answers, and I cannot answer these alone, but I think there is still something in here I can answer for myself that might be helpful to other queer women of faith, or who have been influenced by cultural Christian upbringings.

Fertility is an incredibly difficult issue for many people. Women who have been steeped in American Christian culture who are told that maybe being a mother is her sole purpose. This is a difficult reality to unpack, and in particular for queer women of faith. As a queer woman of faith myself, it has been a nightmare to think about.

I am still discerning what it might mean to be a mother one day and thinking about that with my spouse who is my number one partner and teammate in the conversation and life choice. When we know more, I am sure we will tell the world. For now, this is more about me, and what I have learned about these topics and want to make sure I rethink to make the best, faithful choice going forward. Having these thoughts and answers might be helpful in my future ministry one day when people who face similar issues bare the hurts of trying to grow their families.

I am writing this blog post to unpack some of the harmful, learned ideas of what it means to be a wife and hopeful-mom in America today. These are not things that I have necessarily learned directly from church or any specific person, but the swirling of ideas that are out in our general culture or steeped in nearly every book in the Christian section at Barnes & Noble or easily referenced on television shows.

My relationship with God is ongoing and ever evolving, and that relationship influences my relationships with my family. I have known God as a father figure, as the Spirit being my constant companion through some hard mental health years and the one urging me on into young adult mission work and now seminary. I have known Jesus in my suffering, and the suffering in the world and have prayed for it to end even if I have been thankful for the company in the meantime. I have also known God as a loving mother. As the mothering hen who gathers her chicks up and keeps them safe with her. I have known God as Love in the world, and the Word made flesh, living among us and reminding us that as God turned to us with grace after Jesus’ death on the cross, so we can turn to a suffering world with grace. And I have known God through my neighbor. We are all made in God’s image. That includes you, reading this, and that annoying person we all work with or the stranger we pass by on our way. I have known God most as I came out as queer, and I met God in my queerness more authentically myself than I ever had before. 

So, for all the people out there, particularly women and queer folk, here’s some of my thoughts on what it means to be a spouse and building a family with your partner through a queer faith lens.

First, it is important for me to think about what a family looks like at church. There are so many healthy models of what a family can look like, and not all of them are with a mother, father, and two point five kids. Families come in all shapes, sizes, and iterations. The Holy family included Joseph’s adoption of Jesus, and the other children Mary and he had. There are examples of queer family like Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz or David and Jonathan. There are important family relationships like Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. And the importance of people who are a family of one person whether they are widowed, divorced or have remained single throughout their life. As a church, we need to continue to be open to the many expressions of family, and not essentialize our image of family to a cookie cutter mold. For my purposes, I am exploring what it means to be in a lesbian couple when approaching spouse roles and considering growing a family with children.

There are a lot of restrictive ideas of a woman’s place in her family, particularly cisgender women in heterosexual relationships. One of the biggest unhelpful role setting pieces of scripture is Genesis 2:18: woman being created out of Adam’s rib to be his ‘helper’ – and many translations lack the partner language that the NRSV includes. Often, in church teachings, women’s roles in life are essentialized down to how she interacts with her husband, father, and sons. But I know I am much more than that, and so is any woman who I know. We can be the head of household (someone has to be in our household, and often we joke that it is the cat), and we can choose not to have a hierarchy idea of our household and rather think of it as partnerships with different domains. We share tasks equally, we split our finances equitably, and honor one another in our work and rest.

As a queer person, marriage is sometimes difficult to think about. Marriage equality was denied to us for so long, and it made us question what the purpose of marriage was. Gay marriage is still restricted around the world, and there are whole swaths of countries that I can never visit because my very presence as a queer woman is illegal and punishable. But where marriage equality has been secured, there are a lot of legal benefits that come with being married, along with tax cuts. Yay government reasons! But what does it mean personally? For me, marriage was about finding someone who I wanted to be in lifelong partnership with. Who I could see building a life with. Who would support me in my faith and vocation (call to be a pastor) as much as I would support them in their life and goals. When my spouse and I announced our engagement, some people asked us if it was because we had a timeline for wanting children. The automatic assumption was that marriage and moving inn together preceded getting pregnant and having children.

Is the purpose of marriage for having children? I do not think so. I know there are some theologies that support that idea based on Genesis 1:28: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” There are heterosexual people out in the world who cannot create children at all due to their medical history; does that mean that they should be denied lifelong partnership? Sometimes, getting pregnant takes more intervention than just one man and one woman deciding they want a family. Is it okay to get medical assistance for family growth? For same-sex couples, getting pregnant takes more than just two willing partners who can do it on their own.

Queer couples have a lot to consider when they desire to have children. First, they should involve medical professionals and figure out what’s realistic if someone in the relationship wants to get pregnant to have a child. This is not an option for all queer couples, and I will talk about things like adoption and fostering later down. 

One way to get pregnant would-be intrauterine insemination using a donor, and if it works then the pregnancy proceeds as (complicatedly) usual (is a pregnancy ever ‘usual’?). On top of multiple doctors appointments and fertility treatment to figure out when in someone’s cycle it would be best to try, there is also a huge cost to each attempt at creating an embryo. According to WebMD, each intrauterine insemination treatment can “cost between $300 and $1,000 per try, and the chances of getting pregnant each cycle are just 15% to 20%, even when there are no fertility issues involved.”  That is a lot of effort and money for very low odds without fertility issues. If a woman is like me and 1 in 10 other women in the US of child baring age , or lives with any other number of issues, the effort to get pregnant gets that much more expensive. Suddenly the physical treatment to try and get pregnant compounds with the mental, emotional, and spiritual insecurities that come along with not feeling like our bodies are ‘good’ or ‘working right’ to do this thing that humans have been doing for four hundred generations. 

The other option is in vitro fertilization (IVF). An embryo is created outside of the body, and then transferred into the uterus using a series of complicated procedures (more on the Mayo Clinic website). IVF is used when there are genetic issues, or the added assist is needed for conceptions, or the couple desires to use an egg not from the person who plans on being pregnant. IVF treatment can cost anywhere between $12,000 and $15,000, not including medicine that might cost up to $3,000 , all of which is usually considered elective by health insurance agencies and not always covered by the agencies. In a lesbian couple, this might mean that one woman donates genetic material to their child, and the other person carries the pregnancy. There are even complicated and not widely used procedures that can turn any type of cell from a donor into a potential sperm or egg cell, and maybe one day a same-sex couple can both be the genetic parents of their child if they wished. Scientists can even pinpoint certain markers on chromosomes to eliminate genetic disorders, or even make ‘designer genes’ to influence certain physical traits. 

Okay hold on now, all of this sounds scientifically really cool, but we have all seen the 1997 film Gattaca and know how morally corrupt genetic manipulation can start to get when we start selecting for the ‘most athletic’ traits, or ‘intelligence’ or ‘creativity’. So when thinking about these scientific breakthroughs, how do we approach the moral issues of genetic manipulation from a place of faith? As a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, I go to some of our social statements and messages to see if we have any writing on those topics. Here is an exert from their Social Statement on Genetics:

“The ELCA’s concern for benefit or harm, however, is not focused perse on any particular scientific or technological development. The concern, rather, focuses on the just and wise use of genetic knowledge and technology. For instance, the ELCA does not reject the use of genetic technology such as genetically modified organisms, prenatal diagnosis or pharmacogenetics. Like other gifts of technology, there are reasons for both encouraging their use and for cautioning against certain means of applying them. This church believes the use of any technology should be subject to moral assessment.” 

If I understand that we are all made in God’s images, including the things that people might consider as flaws, then I feel like I can start, in good faith, to consider the extent that genetic manipulation is permissible when looking into IVF and other fertility treatments. Scientific breakthroughs such as IVF treatments and prenatal genetic treatments might make us seem like we are ‘playing God’ with human life. I try to keep in mind that God is the ultimate creator, and we are participating in God’s great loving creation. So I ask myself, how is interacting with treatments like that helping to be part of God’s loving creation? I think when it comes to fertility treatment, as little changes as possible are preferable, and only as much that would help with conception, minimize suffering, and allow life to flourish naturally.

For couples where neither person wants to or is able to get pregnant, surrogacy is an option. The cost of surrogacy can be prohibitive, somewhere around $150,000, and then there are the fertility treatments. 
Unfortunately, another hurdle amongst all the strains of fertility and family growing is discrimination against queer people in the medical field. Doctors are legally allowed to discriminate against patients  in some states still, and when someone is willing to see us they are not always on the up and up on how to take care of queer patients. And any children I might have could potentially face discrimination because of their parents.

Another avenue toward parenthood is adoption. There are many types of adoptions. Adoption of a child from foster care, private agency adoption, independent adoption, and intercountry adoption. If going through the federal government, couples might only face up to $2,000 dollars in adoption fees. Going through an independent adoption procedure could cost up to $45,000 . Again, could be cost-prohibitive for families who are looking to expand. And for queer families, we face a lot of discrimination from widely used faith-based adoption agencies.

Another aspect of adoption that has to be considered is that even within couples where they go the route of IVF or intrauterine insemination is that the other partner has to legally adopt the child still. And matters get more complicated if the egg used for the embryo in IVF is donated, and not from the person who intends on carrying the pregnancy, then the carrier has to adopt the child. There is very little in way of protecting queer families in these types of cases, and consultation with a family attorney would be helpful when moving forward with family expansion.

There are other ways for families to form and grow. Families can be based on blood ties, and very commonly in the queer community, close knit bonds that form over common lived experiences. These were a few of the considerations that I have, and have been thinking about for my family, and continue to be in conversation with my own spouse, plan for if necessary, and always pray about. No answers yet, but helpful considerations abound, and I hope some insight for you too.

Ball, Philip. “Reproduction Revolution: How Our Skin Cells Might Be Turned into Sperm and Eggs.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, October 14, 2018. 

Burns, Katelyn. “The Trump Administration Will Now Allow Doctors to Discriminate against LGBTQ People.” Vox. Vox, April 24, 2020. 

Gattaca. DVD. United States: Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, 1997.

“In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, September 10, 2021. 

“LGBTQ+ Family Building.” Shady Grove Fertility, October 8, 2021. 

“Planning for Adoption - Child Welfare.” Child Welfare, November 2016. 

“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.” Polycystic ovary syndrome | Office on Women's Health, April 1, 2019. 

“A Social Statement on Genetics, Faith and Responsibility.” Chicago, IL: ELCA, 2011. 
Watson, Stephanie. “The Fertility Issues Same-Sex Couples Face When Trying to Conceive.” WebMD. WebMD, December 16, 2020.